
If during your testing or if your customers report that the address validation picklist is not showing, there a few things you can check before you contact support:

  1. Have you provided a valid API authentication token?
    Check that you have added a valid token within the app block settings. Depending on the frontend log level configured, any issues with the token will be shown in the browser console.

  2. Are you testing against a country for which address validation is not licensed?
    If you are not licensed for a country you are trying to search against, the picklist will not appear. Depending on the frontend log level configured, a Forbidden error message will be shown in the browser console.

    If you wish to be licensed for any given country, please speak to your Account Manager.

  3. Do you have remaining credits against the country dataset you are testing?
    Check in the Self Service Portal that you have credits remaining against the affected country you are trying to validate for.

