To use the integration and get a successful response, you'll need:
A Statment of Work (SOW), valued at the number of estimated records to be processed in 12 months. Contact your Experian representative for pricing and licensing. To begin a new inquiry contact us by:
- phone at (888) 727-8822
- email
Experian will need the following information to complete configuration of the integration:
- Cloud Provider (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google)
- Region (e.g. US East – N. Virginia (US East 1), US West Oregon (US West 2), etc.)
- Snowflake Customer Account ID, located either:
- Snowsight Interface – In the left navigation pane under Admin > Accounts in the locator column.
- Classic Console – In the upper right, select user name and the account ID is the bolded ID directly underLog Out.