These are optional functionality that will give an extra level of detail on validated address, email and phone data.
The Geocoding match level specifies whether the address data pertains to a building, street, or postal code. For this function to work you will need to Activate Enrichment first.
You will need to map your Geocoding match level field to the corresponding API fields.
Activate this optional functionality to store the validation results together with the validated address, emails, or phone numbers.
You will need to map your validation tracking field to the corresponding API fields.
Activate this optional functionality so that you can include country codes into your form, as well as having the option to predefine the country code.
Give your field a name i.e. Country code.
Select Option set for the data type field
Select Yes against Use existing Option set.
Select Country phone code for the Option set.
[Optional] Select a country for the default value. This value will appear as default anytime you have a blank form.
All other fields are as per MS instructions.
Click Save and Close in the top menu bar.
You will need to map your Geocoding match level field to the corresponding API fields.