Release notes

This section contains historic changes to the Experian Email Automated Batch.

16th September 2024

New feature
  • Maximum Batch Duration functionality was added to allow clients to set rules on the processing time of their input files.
  • Legacy database migrated to new database service to ensure longevity of Email Validation service for all clients.
  • Improved Yahoo and AOL classifications to validate previously unknown response types.
Bug fixes
  • Bug showing inconsistent and incorrect suggestions for y7mail domains fixed.
  • Bug providing inconsistent unreachable results for the same domains fixed.

19th April 2023

New feature
  • All Email Automated Batch users access to SFTP will be restricted according to the IPs which are whitelisted in the SaaS Portal.
  • Improved Batch.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug related to inconsistent results in batch with a lot of malformed records.
  • Fixed a bug related to an incorrect batch status code.


  • Mandatory IP whitelisting enabled to provide additional layer of security when connecting to the platform

Bug Fixes

  • Bug that provides an error when an email with too many characters is requested
  • Bug that prevents batch uploads when a domain has too many characters


  • Yahoo validation classifications improvement.


  • Upgrade of H2 database version to include latest security fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect DNS lookup bug resolved, remove false negatives on domains such as

New features

  • Consumer v Business Domain detection: Additional column added to the end of the output file. Where possible, we will label a validated email address as either Consumer, or Business, based on Experian's historical information on this domain, allowing you to tailor your email campaigns and target specific sectors.

  • Support for Internationalised Emails: We have implemented brand new technology that will allow you to validate email addresses from domains that support the use of international characters (e.g. á, é or ø), enabling a global outreach and greater coverage.

  • Did_You_Mean replaces Corrections: To ensure clarity, and remain compliant, we have renamed Corrections to Did_You_Mean so that clients who are restricted from using email corrections can utilize the domain suggestion functionality for typos and misspellings.