Address cleaning functionality in Experian Pandora is provided by Experian Batch, which is automatically installed alongside your Pandora installation.
To make use of the data cleaning and validation functionality, you must install any licensed datasets and tell Batch where those data files are located by modifying configuration files.
Install any of the datasets you have received.
Experian data files have a vintage and built-in expiry date. You will need to keep your data updated on a regular basis for address cleaning to continue to work.
In the Experian Pandora installation directory, edit the configuration settings in the following files. You must specify fully qualified paths.
The qawserve.ini file tells the Batch integration where to find the data files, and how the data is mapped to a country.
Installed data directory
Under the [QADefault] section, add a line to the InstalledData
setting, specifying the location where the data is installed.
If you have more than one dataset, each one must be on its own line preceded by a '+' sign. The format of the setting is: InstalledData={ISO},{Data Directory}
Windows example:
InstalledData=GBR,C:\pandora\batch data\GBR
+USA,C:\pandora\batch data\USA
Linux example:
Data mapping
In the same section, add at least one line to the DataMappings
setting, to specify the datasets you wish to use. If you have data for more than one country, each set of data must be on its own line preceded by a '+' sign. The format of the setting is:
DataMappings={data mapping identifier},{dataset/group name},{
dataset+additional datasets}
DataMappings=GBR,Great Britain,GBR
USA data only
If you are using USA data, you must also specify the location of the supplementary USA Batch data and libraries. In the same section of qawserve.ini file, set the path using the CorrectADataLocUSA
Windows example:
CorrectADataLocUSA=C:\pandora\batch data\USA\CorrectAddress
Linux example:
Canada data only
If you are using Canada data, you must also specify the location of the supplementary Canada Batch data and libraries. In the same section of qawserve.ini file, set the path using the CorrectADataLocCAN
Windows example:
CorrectADataLocCAN=C:\pandora\batch data\CAN
Linux example:
If you are using USA or Canada data, you must update the CorrectAApiLoc
setting to point to the Experian Pandora installation directory. This is the location where the supplementary library used for USA and Canada address matching is installed alongside the Pandora program files.
Windows example:
CorrectAApiLoc=C:\Program Files\Experian\Pandora 5.8.0
Linux example: