Sample integration pages

When you have started your server, and you have installed and activated data, your server is ready to receive client requests. This section describes how to configure and use the sample pages with your server and address layouts.

Configuring The Server Path

Under Windows, the sample integration pages are automatically configured with the correct server path by the installer (except for the JSP sample which must be configured manually). Under UNIX, or if you change the server address or port you must reconfigure the sample integration pages as follows:

Integration Code File Form
JSP web.xml.
Uncompress the war file and extract the web.xml file from the WEB-INF subdirectory.
C#.NET web.config in the root directory <add key="com.qas.proweb.serverURL" value="http://localhost:2021/" />
PHP in the root directory define( CONTROL_WSDL_URN, "http://localhost:2021/proweb.wsdl");

Configuring SSL

To configure the PHP sample pages to use SSL, you will need to:

  • Update the server path in the file to use the "https" protocol
  • In the PHP server php.ini file, uncomment or add the following: "extension=php_openssl.dll"
  • Depending on your server version and SSL certificate type, it's possible you may need to supply the SSL CA certificate file to the SOAP client. See the PHP SoapClient documentation for more information.

Configuring Address Layouts

The sample pages are configured to use each data mapping's standard address layout by default. You can use different layouts with your sample pages, provided they have already been configured with the Configuration Editor or in the configuration files. To specify the address layout that a specific data mapping should use you must add lines to the sample page configuration files as follows.

In the WEB-INF\web.xml file, find the section:

    <param-value>( QAS Standard Layout )</param-value>

Add sections beneath it in the form:

    <param-value>(Layout Name)</param-value>

Where "XYZ" is the data mapping identifier and "Layout Name" is the name of the layout you want to use with it.

In the web.config file, find the line:

<add key="com.qas.proweb.layout" value=" ( QAS Standard Layout )"/>

Add lines beneath it in the form:

<add key="com.qas.proweb.layout.XYZ" value="Layout Name"/>

Where "XYZ" is the data mapping identifier and "Layout Name" is the name of the layout you want to use with it.

In the file, find the line:

default: define( "CONTROL_LAYOUT", "( QAS Standard Layout )"); break;

Add line above it in the form:

case "XYZ" : define( "CONTROL_LAYOUT", "Layout Name"); break;

Where "XYZ" is the data mapping identifier and "Layout Name" is the name of the layout you want to use with it.

Using The Sample Pages

Once the sample integration pages have been correctly configured, you can view and use them with the following steps:

  1. Ensure the Pro Web Service is running.
  2. Ensure your web server is running.
  3. Ensure that datasets and correct license keys are installed, and that the datasets have not expired.
  4. Ensure that the meters for your datasets have enough clicks, and that the clicks have not expired.
  5. In a browser, navigate to the index.htm page for the relevant integration pages.
    For example, the C# sample pages installed to the default location could be started with the URL "http://[server address]/ProWebCS/index.htm" where [server address] refers to the server hosting the C# sample pages.