The Administrator Console, the Configuration Editor and the Command Line Management Utility will attempt to connect to the server or servers specified by the ServerAddress
ini keyword in the qaworld.ini file. To change the server address, edit the ServerAddress
ini keyword:
ServerAddress=QATCPIP:{Server Address}:{Port}[;flags]
This keyword defines the server which the client will attempt to establish a connection to and send requests to.
{Server Address} is one of:
{Port} is the port number to which the client will connect.
The list of servers can also be set using the ServerList property.
[flags] is an optional modifier. The only flag currently supported is ";s", which denotes that connection(s) should be SSL encrypted e.g. QATCPIP:;s
Or to specify multiple servers that can be used:
SSLTrustedCA={pem encoded CA certificate file path}
Allows the administrator to specify a CA to validate against the server provided certificate.
SSLLibrary={SSL dynamic library file path}
Allows the administrator to override the default settings and choose a specific instance of the OpenSSL dynamic library.
Windows - SSLLibrary=C:\ssleay64.dll
Unix - SSLLibrary=/usr/lib/
CRYPTOLibrary={CRYPTO dynamic library file path}
Allows the administrator to override the default settings and choose a specific instance of the OpenSSL CRYPTO dynamic library.
Windows - CRYPTOLibrary=C:\libeay64.dll
Unix - CRYPTOLibrary=/usr/lib/