The Lookup search type is designed to enable the user to enter a postal code to produce a list of locality information.

The user enters the postal code and the service returns the relevant information for that match. Lookup requires minimal user interaction. If the postal code matches multiple pieces of information, a picklist is returned, from which the user can select the required one.


This is a two-step process involving two endpoint methods:

  1. Enter a search key.
    • POST /address/lookup/v1 looks for an address that matches the postcode entered.
  2. Format the selected address.
    • GET /address/format/v1/{moniker}: Formats an address into the specified layout. If no layout is set, the default will be used.

Recommended implementation

  1. The user enters the postcode and manually starts a search.
  2. Select a full address from the results.
  3. When a selection is made, the final address is displayed per your website design i.e. a single text box or a multi-fielded layout.

sequence diagram

The recommended workflow (as demonstrated by our sample code) is:

 developer workflow

The relevant address and enrichment components can be stored in your database if required.

Pro Web SOAP enables an untrained user to capture their own address with minimal interaction by entering information into a wizard.


This is a multi-step process involving the following operations:

Operation SOAP Action Description
1. Postal code search DoPostalLookup Checks whether the combination of data mapping, engine and layout are valid for search.
3. Get Final Address DoGetAddress Creates a final formatted address from a previously created picklist item.

Typically, the process of searching with the Keyfinder engine follows this format:

  1. Initial postcode search: the DoPostalLookup action can be used for this search. It returns a Picklist object which contains PicklistItems that can be displayed. Each item can remain merely informational, be expanded or formatted into a final address.
  2. Format the final address: once the final address has been identified, the DoGetAddress action will apply a layout to this item, returning a FormattedAddress object that contains the final formatted address.

Recommended implementation

  1. The user enters the postal code and manually starts a search.
  2. Select a full address from the results.
  3. When a selection is made, the final address is displayed per your website design i.e. a single text box or a multi-fielded layout.

sequence diagram

The recommended workflow (as demonstrated by our sample code) is:

 developer workflow