The Pro API Command Line Management Utility is a tool for Windows and UNIX administrators which enables you to display query results on the command line that can otherwise only be displayed using the Administrator Console. Arguments are passed in on the command line and the results are output on one or more lines. The 64-bit version of the Command Line Management Utility is called wvmgmtdg.exe.
wvmgmtd [-ini:<config file>] <command> [<argument1>] ...
Use the -ini:<config file>
option to specify an alternate configuration file from which settings can be read. By default, qaworld.ini is used.
The <commands>
are listed in detail below.
For <arguments>
, you can specify particular servers, clients or data files for the command to process; the default behaviour is that all are processed. The <Server>
can be any of the following:
Each <command>
has different output. The command summaries describe the output in more detail.
Common output elements include:
is equivalent to LF or CR/LF depending on the platform.
The <Errorcode>
value returned has the following format:
Error description
For example: -1010<TAB>
File not found
If an error occurs, wvmgmtd returns an exit status of 255, otherwise the exit status is 0.
This command lists the known servers and tests their status.
wvmgmtd srvlist
<+Count(n) of configured servers or -Errorcode><EOL>
<Svr name / IP (1)><TAB><Port><TAB><Desc> <TAB><Status><EOL>
<Svr name / IP (2)><TAB><Port><TAB><Desc> <TAB><Status><EOL>
<Svr name / IP (n)><TAB><Port><TAB><Desc> <TAB><Status><EOL>
This command instructs the specified server to shut down remotely.
wvmgmtd shutdown <Server>
not specified
This command reads the description of the specified server.
wvmgmtd descread <Server>
This command sets the description of the specified server.
wvmgmtd descwrite <Server> <Description to set>
Spaces or special characters
This command reads the maximum number of clients configured for a specified server.
wvmgmtd maxcliread <Server>
<+Max client count or -Errorcode>
This command sets the maximum number of clients configured for the specified server.
wvmgmtd maxcliwrite <New max client count> <Server>
not specified
This command reads the maximum number of threads configured for the specified server.
wvmgmtd maxthread <Server>
<+Max thread count or -Errorcode>
This command sets the maximum number of threads configured for the specified server.
wvmgmtd maxthwrite <New max thread count> <Server>
not specified
This command counts the current number of clients attached to the specified server.
wvmgmtd clientcountread <Server>
not specified
<+Number of clients attached or -Errorcode>
This command returns a list of the clients using the specified server.
wvmgmtd clientlistread all <Server>
not specified
<+Count(n) of current clients or -Errorcode><EOL>
<Client name / IP (1)><TAB><Port><EOL>
<Client name / IP (2)><TAB><Port><EOL>
<Client name / IP (n)><TAB><Port><EOL>
This command disconnects a specified client from the specified server.
wvmgmtd clientdisconnect <Client name/IP> <Port> <Server>
Server not specified
This command shows what datasets are available on the server.
wvmgmtd datalistread current <Server>
<+Count (n) of datasets currently in use -Errorcode><EOL>
<Name(n)> is the dataset name
<Release> is the release details
<Exp> is the days to expiry
<Location> is the full path to the data files
This command shows which datasets can be updated.
wvmgmtd datalistread toupdate <Server>
<+Count (n) of datasets currently in use -Errorcode><EOL>
This command updates the server to use newly installed data.
wvmgmtd dataunused update <Server>
<"OK" or Errorcode>
This command lists licenses for the specified server.
wvmgmtd licenselistread <Server>
<Count (n) of licenses><EOL>
<license 1><TAB><Customer Ref><TAB><Data ID><TAB><Licence
Type><TAB><Expiry date><EOL>
This command adds a specified license to the specified server.
wvmgmtd licenseadd "<Licence Number>" <Server>
<Errorcode><TAB><Error Description><EOL>
This command removes a specified license to the specified server.
wvmgmtd licenseremove "<Licence Number>" <Server>
<Errorcode><TAB><Error Description><EOL>
This command synchronizes the specified server with its license file. This is useful if the license file has been modified externally to Pro API.
wvmgmtd licenserefresh <Server>
<Errorcode><TAB><Error Description><EOL>
This command retrieves the information necessary for counter administration.
wvmgmtd counterinforead <Server>
<number of fields>
or <Errorcode><field name><TAB><field value>
This command lists the meters, their values, and their expiry.
first run datalistread
wvmgmtd meterslistread <Server>
<number of fields>
or <Errorcode><meter name><TAB><meter value><TAB><*><meter expiry>
Where <*>
is the active flag. This reports whether data has been used, and if so, whether there is a respective license for that counter.
This command applies an update code to the counter(s). This code is supplied by Experian.
wvmgmtd counterupdate <Server> <update code>
This command transfers clicks between servers. It is possible to transfer both expiry and non-expiry clicks.
Transfer clicks
wvmgmtd meterstransfer <source server> <destination server> <meter name1>:<clicks to transfer> [<meter name 2>:<clicks to transfer> ...]